
My 1 on 1 Intuitive Healing Therapy sessions are a unique combination of all the techniques, skills and methods I’ve accumulated in the last 8 years of working and studying as a yoga and meditation teacher, and therapist.

I’m a certified Alternative Healing Therapist and Practitioner, and certified Energy Healing and Reiki Practitioner. I’ve developed a technique that combines all my knowledge and experience from different fields of interest: yoga, meditation, yoga nidra, manifestation, positive psychology, transpersonal psychology, energy healing, sound healing, metaphysics, non-violent communication, inner child work, superstring field (manifestation technique originating from theta healing) and many others.

The sessions can be done either in person or online. In my in-person sessions I use a acupressure mat and different instruments. The sessions are 120min long: the first 45-60 minutes are dedicated to my conversation with you, to get to know you and your struggles, issues or obstacles you are facing in that moment. Based on this conversation I choose a technique/meditation that is suitable for you and your current situation (I mainly work with visualizations as a powerful energy healing and manifestation tool).

The price for this session is 100€ and I guarantee you will notice a change immediately (but for more long term effects I recommend recurring sessions). I encourage you to make an audio recording of the session, because repetition is important.

The follow-up sessions (every session after the first one) are usually shorter (around 60 to 90 minutes) and cost 80€.


After my session with Nush I felt like I was reborn. Even after, at work, at home, for moments it’s like I have wings and I’m being carried around. Everything is easy. I work with more drive and joy, not because I have to. And I sleep better. In our session we were focusing on my unexplainable hip pain, and the pain was gone for a week.


I have been meditating for a while with different apps like Petit Bambou, but nothing compares to the one-to-one session I had with Nush. First of all, she made me feel very comfortable during the conversation we had at the beginning, so that I was able to open up and told her without reservations how I was feeling and what I wanted to work during the session. She listened to me carefully, asked me some questions and understood immediately what I meant and what my needs were. Then, she was able to do three tailor-made exercises for me.I had been in two group yoga nidra workshops with Nush and they really helped me, but this time I felt I was able to achieve more. I guess this was because the exercises were focussed on me and on my state of mind.It is hard to describe the inner changes I felt, but it definetely helped me feel better and calmer. Nush sent me the recording after the workshop and I have been working with it at home on my own. I would recommend this experience to those that are looking for something more adapted to them. They will feel safe.


Before we started our session I was so sure I knew what I wanted to work on, but Nush asked the right questions and it turned out there was something else there. She made a special healing meditation that was tailored to me, and helped me connect to my intuition more and trust myself more. Before the session I felt insecure in my life decisions, scared, uncertain. After the session it felt like everything felt into place, I felt lighter, more confident, and I felt like I could trust myself and my decisions. It was a life changing experience!
